Let's Find Your Path!

I am passionate about guiding people of all ages on their journey towards finding purpose and balance in their career and personal lives.



Are you experiencing frustration and burnout in your current job and need help discovering what other options are out there?

Does your ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, and/or Depression try to interfere with finding an enjoyable and satisfying career? (Did you know that these unique superpowers are actually an asset in certain careers?)

Do you feel lost and confused at how to navigate how your strengths, skills, interests, and personal preferences can align with a career path?

I can help! I am a Licensed Professional Counselor located in the beautiful state of Michigan. I am also a National Certified Career Counselor, which allows me to see self-pay career clients throughout the United States. I have worked with a variety of individuals including high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, early and mid career professionals, and people returning to the workforce. I also have experience working with neurodivergent clients and HSPs (highly sensitive people) and can empathize with their stories, having adult-diagnosed ADHD as well as a neurodivergent family.

All of my appointments are conducted virtually using a secure platform. Contact me today for a free 15 minute session to discuss how we can work together.

Hi, I’m Jessica-

Do you remember when people ALWAYS asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you have any idea or did you make something up just so they would stop asking? Maybe you knew exactly what you wanted to do, but as you got older you realized what the path to that career entailed. Growing up I had every intention of being a Marine Biologist, but I was not interested in taking science classes, I just wanted to save the manatees. It wasn’t until my college campus work-study job that I became interested in counseling and discovered that there were many counseling specialities.

What I want to do for you, is help you discover that there are a variety of careers out there that fit you! You may already have an ideal career in mind, but are unsure of how to get started, or fear has gotten in the way of taking the first step and making that transition. No matter if you are just starting to explore career options, a mid-career professional, or are planning to re-enter the workforce, I will work closely with you to help you navigate your options. We all have a purpose and I want to help you find the career that best aligns with your life’s purpose.

Let me be your guide and together we can discover your ideal path to a fulfilling career and satisfying work-life balance.

“Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history.” 

—Chadwick Boseman

Contact Me Today to Talk

I’d love to find out what I can help you with. Call 734-733-2426 or email me for a free 15 minute consultation.